Sunday, October 13, 2024

Efficiency, Inherent Laziness, and Patient Persistence

One of the goals of singing training is to identify and eliminate inefficiencies. Oxford Languages defines efficiency as "maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense." As I sometimes describe it, we want to use the fewest number of muscles doing the least amount of work possible for any given task when it comes to physical efficiency in the voice studio. For instance, if it takes two muscles to do something and we are using five muscles, we are not being as efficient as we could. The result is that we're working harder than we need to because we're giving energy to three muscles that are not needed for the task. In addition, those unnecessary muscles may start to interfere with the job that the two primary muscles are trying to accomplish. 

In a recent Journal of Singing column (Sept/Oct 2024), voice professor Lynn Helding presents a quote by psychologist and author Daniel Kahneman from his book Thinking Fast and Slow. Kahneman expands the idea of efficiency to include our brains and not just our bodies: 

"A general law of least effort applies to cognitive as well as physical exertion. The law asserts that if there are several ways of achieving the same goal, people will eventually gravitate to the least demanding course of action. In the economy of action, effort is a cost, and the acquisition of skill is driven by the balance of benefits and costs. Laziness is built deep into our nature." (p.35)

I guess it makes sense that, if we are always trying to find less effortful ways to do things, it could indicate we are all inherently lazy. Whether we refer to this inclination as laziness or simply seeking efficiency, it's good to acknowledge that it is in our nature to choose the path of least resistance and to look for the easier way of doing things. 

Of course, effort is a key requirement for deep learning and skill building. If we want to become better singers, we need to log lots of hours of meaningful practice—there is no easier way around this reality. That understanding, however, can be overwhelming, since there is always more we can do. At no point will we ever reach the pinnacle where our voices are perfectly capable of executing everything we could possibly want. And even when we do reach a high level of accomplishment, it still takes a lot of practice to maintain those skills. It's sort of like exercise for general health. None of us will ever be able to say, "I've finally exercised enough to last for the rest of my life." If we want to continue reaping the health benefits of exercise, we have to keep doing it (especially as we get older). 

But, that realization can actually paralyze us in our practicing, since there is no easier path (and we are programmed to look for the easy route). At times, we may conclude that there is just too much to do, so we might as well not even bother. To address this feeling, Helding encourages what she describes as an attitude of "patient persistence." Instead of being intimidated into inaction (knowing that "Laziness is built deep into our nature"), or taking the opposite approach of trying to do too much at once, she offers an alternative: "Choose a patiently persistent mode of acquiring new habits by starting with small, yet feasible steps" (JOS p.10). 

Consistently choosing to do just a bit of work—through patient persistence—can lead to big gains over time. 

How do you encourage yourself to take small steps toward improvement? How do you motivate yourself to be more persistent in your practicing? 

Now go practice. 


  1. Hi, Brian! Lovely blog! Laziness is DEFINITELY a part of my nature. Practicing is hard, and it often feels like homework for me. Homework and I are not friends. What helps me consistently practice is giving myself a reward for practicing. If I go through a whole warm-up exercise, practice a song, and practice technique, I'll go on a drive where I can sing my "fun songs" in the car. It also helps me put the things I'm practicing into use, instead of immediately forgetting and dismissing all the practice I'd done.

  2. I encourage myself to practice to find the fun things within it. If i need to practice my guitar i'll find a song i want to learn, it's the same with vocalizing if i need to practice my singing let me warm up and singing a song that i'm loving with this week. It also helps me to break down the task or make it smaller so i'm able to get it out of the way and can do things i'm more interested in.

  3. I love this, Brian! Also beautiful photo! I feel this one deep in my bones, I can't think of how many times in the past I've decided to do daily practice but only lasted about 2-3 days (this class has been holding me to a schedule for once). Or even trying to tone down my acting in my performances in attempt so solely focus on my voice. I notice I subconsciously try to go for whatever is the least stressful or hard for me and not for what I should be expected to do as a performer.

    I often motivate myself to practice by giving time to sing music that is fun or is in touch with my emotions, which can often be music that would not traditionally be performed by me in a theatre setting and can also give me a break from the material I'm normally working with. Or even just warming up and singing in the car on a drive helps me find a way to include singing into my everyday life. I also find I'm more excited to go back to practicing when I'm not forcing an objective task into my daily practice.

    I liked the comparison of exercise and singing, if our voice improves we must keep exercising it or we'll lose it again. There is no point where you can stop practicing.

  4. The idea that we as humans do whatever we can as easily as possible is so true!! Also that we are never going to practice or exercise enough to fulfill some adequate measure for our lives. There are some things in our life that have to be consistent practice to maintain a overall good performance with it.

    I think I encourage myself with motivational speakers and being real with myself. I recently had a discussion about giving 100%, whole heart into my art and it has helped me this week at trying to be more consistent across the board with spending time on my homework and singing and acting practice. I know that won't last forever but for now I set goals and have a vision for myself and my progress that motivate me to push myself that can only be achieved with practice. Keep revising and motivating myself.

  5. I agree that with most things I do in my life I try to accomplish them the easiest way possible. Even when I am practicing regularly sometimes I find myself not really pushing vocally. Like I am doing the bare minimum which is just practicing and logging that practice. I think when I do really take my time to practice and work on things I need to I am being motivated by trying to nail a specific goal. Like if I am really trying to hit a high note in a song, that is what pushes me to get uncomfortable in my practice. However, sometimes even that doesn’t work because wouldn’t it be easier for me to just not get better? Just not hit that note? Just give up? So honestly that's what I struggle with because I want to be good at singing, but the hardest part is putting in the time, effort, and energy.
