One of the trends that's been around for a few years now is for younger people to wear band shirts from their parents' eras. I'll admit to being a little shocked when my students started wearing the same Metallica, Def Leppard, and Poison shirts that I owned in high school. I have an 11-year-old private student who came to her last lesson with a Bon Jovi shirt on. I said, somewhat excitedly, "Oh, you're a fan of Bon Jovi?" And she said, "A fan of what?" Her mother chimed in, saying, "She doesn't know who that is." Too bad. Even if this trend is only a retro fashion statement, it still shows that everything that goes around comes around again. And that's not at all a bad thing.
I find that, sometimes, we can be so focused on what's new and exciting that we ignore what is more traditional, tried, and true. Like the '80s band shirts, rediscovering something can help us re-appreciate its value. Think about Broadway revivals. Sunset Boulevard is suddenly one of the hot tickets in New York, even though it first opened on Broadway more than 30 years ago.
These trends happen in voice pedagogy, as well. Last semester, I blogged about the benefit of 10-minute practice sessions. Current research highlights the benefits of "distributed practice" or "spaced learning" over "massed practice" or "massed learning." The research indicates that we tend to get more out of our practice if we do it in multiple short sessions spread throughout the day rather than in one session of an hour or longer. It turns out, even though these recommendations are based on research studies from the 21st century, this isn't a new idea, either.
I recently read the new edition of The Vocal Athlete by Wendy D. LeBorgne and Marci Rosenberg. They cite a vocal treatise by the famous Spanish voice teacher Manuel García II (1805-1906) that was written in 1841. Those of you who have taken my vocal pedagogy class may remember García as the inventor of the first laryngoscope—he used two dental mirrors to reflect sunlight in a way that allowed him to see his own vocal folds in motion. According to LeBorgne and Rosenberg:
"García also advocated for a distributed practice schedule beginning with 5 minutes and slowly progressing to a consecutive 30 minutes over time as stamina increased. He encouraged his students to practice for no more than 30 minutes in one session up to four times daily." (p.179)
It's worth noting that, even when García's students had developed significant vocal stamina, he still advocated only practicing for 30 minutes at a time. And he suggested engaging in multiple practice sessions that were spread throughout the day. So, maybe this research isn't as cutting-edge as some of us thought. It just confirms practices that have been around for a long time.
Of course, none of us needs to wait around for a research study to tell us what to do. There are some things that we know work because our experience tells us so. Naturally, when we have better information, we can change our behavior accordingly. But, in the meantime, like putting on our favorite old shirt, we should keep following the practices that lead to the best results. This holds true whether they come from Manuel García II, from 21st-century research studies, or even from Bon Jovi. ("Take my hand and we'll make it. I swear.")
How has your practice been this week? Have you been able to find a routine and solidify your practice habits?
Now go practice.